If you are obtaining a key on behalf of the registered owner of the Mercedes-Benz, you will need to visit our dealership. Please bring:
• The original title or the current registration receipt.
• Your valid photo ID.
• A copy of the registered owner’s valid photo ID.
• The original of a notarized letter authorizing you to order a key for the vehicle on the owner’s behalf. This letter should contain the VIN, the owner’s full name and the authorized parties’ full name.
• The vehicle that needs the key replacement for either verification process or programming, at an additional charge, depending on the year and model of the vehicle.
• A Repair Order will be written by the service department. If you don’t have a spare key to drive the vehicle to the dealership, it must be towed in at the customer’s expense.
If you are obtaining a key for a company-owned Mercedes-Benz, you will need to visit our dealership. Please bring:
• A letter on company letterhead naming a specific employee as authorized party. This letter should contain the VIN, the authorized employee’s full name, the full name and signature of the general manager, principal, or owner of the company.
• The original title or the current registration receipt.
• The vehicle that needs the key replacement for ither verification process or programming, at an additional charge, depending on the year and model of the vehicle. A Repair Order will be written by the service department. If you do not have a spare key to drive the vehicle to the dealership, it must be towed in at the customer’s expense.
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